Hi there. I’m currently using the camera setup as provided by the third person template. However, I’m hoping I can use a “looser” camera tracking (forgive me, I don’t really know the language to use to say what I mean to), much like in Shadow of the Colossus:
If you watch that for a few minutes, you’ll notice the character is very rarely square in the center of the camera’s view as it is in the Unreal Template. It seems to be based on a few factors: The character’s movement, whether or not they’re looking at a Colossus, etc. How could I achieve something like this in Blueprints, where it is similarly contextual based on my movement and perhaps where I am/what I’m looking at?
You probably want to edit the CameraBoom component in the ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint. Under the component options there is an option to Enable Camera Lag:
You can then edit the value of the Lag Speed, Rotation Lag, and Max Lag Distance depending on how much lag you want what the player is looking at. Those values can all be set in the Blueprint graph, so you can change them in real-time.
with that offset, have you found out how to replicate shadow’s camera perfectly? if so, please enlighten me, for i haven’t discovered a way to keep my player either on the right or the left. He should never be in the center.