looping sound doesn't persist across levels.

I think this is a bug.
I have background music that I want to play across all levels.
I called spawn sound 2D with Persist Across Level checked when the game starts.
It works fine w/o looping but if I check looping in the sound detail panel, it doesn’t persist. It just stops when a level ends.
Is this a bug? or am I doing something wrong?

There’s quite a lot of little ‘wrinkles’ like this in the sound system. Try

This didn’t work for me… very frustrating.

Another thing you can do, is play the sound from the game instance :slight_smile:

That is what I am doing.

  1. Game instance has a function → Play audio that takes Volume, the sound if if it should persist.

  2. BP player has inputs bound to ctrl+2 to play that sound.

  3. ctrl+1 loads a new level.

To replicate: Run the game with and without your media looped. When looped = True this does not work. When looped = False it will work just fine.

Snap open the play node…

apologies, that is blocked by my texture. That is taken as a function input and set properly in the right hand side of the image (Persist? is set to true)

I will upload a demo when I have time if helpful. In the middle of a game launch.

It works here… :thinking:

It works for me as you posted unless my media has Looping: True, just to be explicitly clear.

I also tried w/ the SetUI incantation instead of Set > Play like i have posted

I was having the same issue, it looks like you just need to delete the “Play” node.

Didn’t work for me. This has been bothering me so much i decided to record a simple demo of it in action. I’ve uploaded a copy of the audio track, i suspect it could be something to do with the encoding. I would be happy to upload a simple unreal project as well for others to experiment with.

Experiencing the exact same issue, with the exact same conditions.

Having the same issue. Checking “Persistent across level transition” in both create sound 2d and spawn sound 2d doesn’t work. I’ve tried putting the logic in the game instance and checking also looping in the sound wave, but when I load a new level the audio is stopped. Is it even possible to do this?

Assign it to a variable, I just tried it ( this is in the persistent level )

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Ok, I retried and now marking “Persistent Across Level Transition” works. In my case I was muting the audio when the level opened. Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

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