Looping elements in scroll box

Hi i am trying to loop elements in scroll box while going to top or bottom but when i increase the looping value i am getting error of infinite loop

Video link: link text

Project link: link text

Here i am trying for infinite loop as far as i go down or up the same elements need to be looped

Anyone please let me know how can i achieve it

There’s no support in UMG for that kind of thing so you need to fake it. Even the mighty List View does not feature anything close to what’s really needed here.

See if that gets you closer to what you need:

  • constructing widgets and adding them to an array

  • the Scroll Box no longer consumes mouse input and is Not Hit-Testable

  • instead of scrolling, we override onMouseWheel and manipulate the array
  • the last item gets inserted at Index 0 or the first item is added to the end of the array
  • we then call Repopulate from the first screenshot

Image from Gyazo

Since the widgets are constructed only once, the performance hit here is not that bad, actually.

You could probably play with scrolling into view here, too - depending on what’s the desired effect.

Maybe the scroll box is not needed at all, who knows…

For clear look i am trying for animate scroll but i think it won’t work in our case
Do you have any suggestion to show scroll animation for every event

As I said, play with the Scroll into View - it’s a feature of the scrollbox. You supply a widget or its index and the rest happens automagically :wink:

Not sure whether this would work here; worth trying, though.

Yes i have tried by using that node in between different excecution pins but as we are inserting dynamically animate scroll is not working. But if it works then it will be awesome

Even i tried to do UI animation but that also not going well as expected i don’t understand how to solve this