Hi I’m trying to animate a morph target with blueprint but I seem to have gotten stuck. I have a spiked ball mesh set up with a morph target that makes the spikes sharper or flat which I’m trying to make loop, either at the beginning of level or when entering a trigger box(that’s what I have set up.
As of now I have an OnActorBeginOverlap(triggerbox) Executing to Set Morph Target with is targeting my spiked ball and then to drive the value I just put a random float in as a placeholder but what I ultimately want to have it do is pulsate back and forth from 0-1. Does anyone have any idea how that blueprint would look like?
I’m super new to blueprints and have no programming background so I was wondering what was the Set Morphvalue from? Did you have to set up a variable that was attached to my skeletal meshes morph value?
I added all this to my level blueprint is there a better place to put these blueprint nodes?
yes, the morph value is just a float variable i put in level blueprint for quick show case how it could be done.
and yes, if you want to drive the value inside anim graph, you need to get this morphValue and set it to a local var in animation blueprint’s event grapg.
so if you have multiple of those spike balls, make sure you wrap them inside a blueprint and have a trigger volume var to set when you edit the level.
No I know thats just a float variable you made and called morphValue. I guessed I’m confused in what values you put into morphValue to drive the morph target when I tried it I add to reference my mesh -> set morph target and then animate the timeline from zero to one. Did you make the morphValue’s default value 1?