Looks like something went wrong. For your protection, this transaction has been declined. Please try another card or other payment methods

Looks like something went wrong. For your protection, this transaction has been declined. Please try another card or other payment methods.

II’ve been purchasing stuff from the UE Marketplace for a while now and have never had any issues. A few days ago, I walked into a brick wall. I couldn’t purchase anything. Freebies I can claim, but purchasing anything is locked behind this error mentioned above. I’ve contacted support, but that’s been a dead end so far.

  1. I’ve removed and reapplied my payment details; same error.

  2. I tried PayPal; money was deducted, but I got the same error message. About 30 minutes later, I got a correction SMS, and my cash was paid back into my account.

This is where I decided to contact them, and yeah, so far, there has been barely any communication. (They have replied though, just with a question about what my account email is -a few days ago.).

I even visited the bank, but they told me everything looked fine. So this gives me the idea that most likely it’s not my bank account that’s the problem. I just now tried my brothers two different accounts as well as my dad’s account, which is also different. Nothings working. IDK anymore; I need help as there are some assets and models on sale that I desperately want.

Just got this email;

Hello Johannes,

Thank you for contacting Marketplace Support.

The transactions are being blocked by our payment processor as being potentially fraudulent. Unfortunately we cannot see any more specific information about this, and we are not able to override it. We recommend waiting a few days and trying your purchase again. If you continue to have issues, we recommend trying alternate payment processors or contacting the card issuer for assistance. Alternatively, we recommend reaching out to our billing support team for further information.


Please let us know if you have any questions.

Unreal Engine Marketplace

I’ve reached out to them. Lets see what happens. Its crazy to think that when you’ve spend so much time learning something and spend a lot of money on their products that something like this can happen.

I’ll update when I’ve anything to report. :slightly_smiling_face:

–Edit: They replied or well it feels like an AI that replied but the instructions made sense. I have to wait 24H before the next transaction attempt. I’ll update on the results when I’ve completed this step.

Hi there.
Thank you for contacting Epic Games player support team.

I see that your recent purchases have been declined, and you reached out to Unreal’s Marketplace support, however, your issues persist.

We have reviewed this account, and currently, we have to take the following actions:

-We need to wait 24 hours after our most recent purchase attempt, once the 24 hours have passed (complete, including minutes) you may attempt to purchase once again.

If your issue persists after this time period, let us know, and we’ll provide you with further instructions.

Best regards,
Epic Games player support team.

Yeah I can confirm that their advice to wait 24H did in fact not result in me being able to purchase anything. What to do…?
I contacted them now with the result. Waiting for further replies. Will post here when there’s any updates!

I mean it would kind of suck, but waiting or making a new account and then having to forever switch between two accounts seems to be the only options here really, replying so you don’t feel alone in your issue

I would say just continue the slow dialog back and fourth seems like within 2-3 more emails they’ll get up to speed and find the solution, sometimes they will honor a sale price for varying reasons if you had problems like this so just keep a picture of your attempts and what you were trying to get at what price and maybe you can still get the sale price

definitely strange I’m surprised the PayPal didn’t go through honestly, only other thing i could suggest is instead of PayPal presumably pulling funds from bank or card put the funds into PayPal itself but this will reset your 24h cooldown that they want probably because of the way banks and payment processors work ( slow and stupid for safety )

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You know, having to go between 2 accounts will suck big time for one, all these authentications you have to do is already a pain. IDK man, the problem is clearly on their side. They must sort this out and in the mean time this is causing me time.

Yeah no paypal didn’t even show that they had he cash in my paypal wallet. Man I was stressing when I saw the error on epic stores, nothing in my wallet and the cash was deducted. I have a rule to give this kind of thing an hour before karening out, almost didn’t make the hour lol

Thanks for the advice mate, I’ll keep on conversing with them. Hopefully someone can help me out.



Their latest response:

Hello Johannes,

Thank you for contacting Marketplace Support.

We cannot provide additional details into your purchase attempts. Please reach out to your payment provider or bank for more details.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Unreal Engine Marketplace

My reply:
Hi there

Thats the thing. I can make purchases on steam and other places but not here. I also tried my brothers bank card as well my dad’s, even PayPal -nothing works on my account.
The problem is on that side, not mine. They even acknowledged that I was set to temp hold on payments due to possible fraud, which was funny cause how is that possible when you buy something.

Please can you send me the contact info of someone that can help me cause honestly, this problem isn’t on my side. I’ve been able to buy things for forever and now I’m blocked. doesn’t make sense.


I don’t know man, this isn’t working, I need to speak to someone that knows what’s going on…

And the madness continues. I’ve now sent another request with the same details. Let’s see what happens. Sure can guess nothing’s going to come from this too lol

And now this… Then they lock the chat so I can’t reply.


Thanks for contacting Epic Games Player Support!

We appreciate your effort in writing us about this case today.

Before anything else, I would like to kindly ask you to make sure before making purchases, that the payment method that you’re using has:

–Sufficient funds on it
–Authorized to make online purchases
–Is accepted by our system: CANT POST THIS LINK
–Payment information is entered correctly
–Authorized to make international transaction (if you’re outside of the US)

You may need to contact the bank/payment service to authorize transactions manually, especially if you haven’t used it with us before.

If the above solutions do not apply, please contact your card issuing bank directly and ask them why exactly the transaction was declined. They will be able to tell you why the transaction was declined and resolve the issue.

I hope I was able to clarify things for you! If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us again and we’ll do everything in our reach to help you as best as we can!

Have a great day ahead!

Epic Games Player Support

Attach all of that and kindly ask it be escalated to a manager or something, “I keep getting the same results and bounced back to the bank and bounced back to here is there anyone that can take a different approach to this i need a manager or something see attached below”

I know your frustrated but there’s not much we can do here on our side short of a staff showing up unfortunately which is why i recommend just sending the full email chain and a kind request for escalation

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I’ll try that, thanks. Lets hope that helps :slight_smile:

After a weeks worth of waiting, finally I’ve been unblocked from being able to purchase things on the market. No notifications or anything, just added something to my card and pressed pay -went through.

That 24hr thing didn’t work. Thanks for the support :slight_smile:

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