Looks different between SM4 and Mobile Android Preview

Same material shader with Color, Metallic, Roughness, Normal textures looks different in Mobile Android Preview in Editor.

So, if compile apk and run on android device (adreno 330) render is same. (Tried ES 2 and ES 3.1)

Hy Pirate Tony,

It is my big dissapointment too but unfortunately Adreno 330 supports up to OpenGL ES3.0, I have been trying to run 3.1 UE4 on my mobile for a long time, but without success.

Here you can read about it more:

but also if you check official benchmarks on devices with Adreno330 all the OpenGLES3.1 tests are N/A while the 3.0-s are evaluated.

For example my mobile Xiaomi MI3 with Adreno 330 :

I know its not a great consolation also I prefer UE4, but I believe that Unity3D works with 3.0 if you want to test stuff on your mobile

By the way… im not an expert on shader programming, but I believe that Shader Model 4 and the Android Preview is supposed to look different (Android preview is mainly to test ES2). You can turn on the High-end Mobile/Metal/Vulkan Editor preview to see the ES3.1 features.

Yes 3.1 not supported on Adreno 330.
But why different looks just pbr shader?
It looks like some bugs with processing sRGB of image in Metallic and Roughness texture channels. I mean UE-converter on conversion stage maybe forget about sRGB.
I think its a bug in sRGB conversion. In material shader I have:
BaseColor texture with sRGB checkbox is ON.
Metallic (mask), Roughness (mask), NormalMap (normal) - without sRGB.

By default that 3 textures imports as sRGB!!! (exclude normal map).
And after import i need switch off sRGB in Metallic and Roughness textures.

So when textures converting to android apk (ETC1, for example) then maybe UE-packager made non correct conversion of sRGB in some textures…

It need deeply to investigate.