Looking to gather a team to start making a game Looking for Graphic Designers Coders and more if interested lmk depending on the amount of people interested it could be paid or could be Revenue sharing for payment
What is the Game you want to start making?
Is it a 3D Photorealistic/Stylized First/Third Person Multiplayer Battle Mage Combat Game in which Players battle in procedurally generated Labyrinthian Arenas against one another using Magic in many ways:
- Use Magic on themselves for super powers like flight, super speed, teleport, bullet time, grow/shrink.
- Use Magic on objects to force push/pull, transmutate, incinerate / freeze, others.
- Use Magic on Area to affect multiple targets simultaneously.
- Use Magic to summon minions and titans to do their bidding.
My skills are in Blueprints. What are your skills?
hey if you add me on discord we can talk more my discord is ftgmayhem
My discord and additional info about myself on profile page.