Looking For Work Template

Until someone comes along with a better one, I present you with a rough looking for work template.**

Thread Title:** [LFW PAID] Gillian “Cheeky” Smith - 3D Character Artist

*The *title of the thread should begin with the prefix [LFW], followed by your name and job title/skillset.
If you have multiple skillsets, list the major ones only.

*If you’re looking for a particular type of work, be sure to include it in the prefix (PAID/UNPAID/CONTRACT etc).
Skillset(s):**3D Character Artist

  • 2 years in film industy.
  • 3 years in indie game scene.

*List your skillsets and give a brief description of experience in each.
Avoid massive walls of text - you have your website for that (see below).

Previous Work:
**** Sharks from Mars! - http://www.****sharks.com
Indie game, lead character artist.

Quick list of recent work - try to keep it within the last 5 years.
We don’t want to know about your modeling efforts in primary school.

*Link to website showing off your work.
Don’t use Facebook
There are always places like *Wordpress.com etc.

E-mail: gilliansmith@cheeky.com
Skype: CheekySmith

Includes various ways to contact you, if possible.
For email, use a proper domain based email and avoid @yahoo, @live, @hotmail etc.

Additional Information:**

  • Live on oil rig in the middle of the north atlantic.
  • Only available 4 days a week.
  • Cannot travel.
  • Wages must be sent by pigeon.

Add any additional information that pertains to your ability to work.
Can you only work online? Can only speak Australian? Can only work 2 days a week? etc.

Comments welcome!

Politely list the type of feeback you are looking for.
If you don’t mind comments, say so - comments welcome!
If you only want serious replies, say as much - serious replies only please.

This may or may not be respected, but at least you tried.


WYSIWYG based template.
[HR][/HR]Use this with the editor in WYSIWYG Mode.

[LFW PAID/UNPAID/CONTRACT] <Name> - <Major Skillset(s)>

<C++ Programmer><Blueprint Scripting><3D Character Artist><3D Artist><Concept Artist>

  • <X years here>
  • <Y years there>

Previous Work:
Description of project/game/work - http://www.website.com/org/net


E-mail: <name@domain.com>
Skype: <username>

Additional Information:

  • Pay upfront.
  • Online only.
  • Cannot travel.
  • Only available X days/Y hours a week.
  • Can only speak Australian.

Comments welcome!
Serious replies only please.

Source based template.
[HR][/HR]Use this with the editor in Source Mode.

Thread Title: [LFW PAID/UNPAID/CONTRACT] <Name> - <Major Skillset(s)>

<C++ Programmer><Blueprint Scripting><3D Character Artist><3D Artist><Concept Artist>

  - <X years here>
  - <Y years there>

**Previous Work:**
Description of project/game/work - http://www.website.com/org/net


E-mail: <name@domain.com>
Skype: <username>

**Additional Information:**

  - Pay upfront.
  - Online only.
  - Cannot travel.
  - Only available X days/Y hours a week. 
  - Can only speak Australian.

Comments welcome!
Serious replies only please.

Great Post. I feel like I know you from somewhere!

Great post Kris, hopefully this helps steer people in the right direction out of the gates

Even if i did the template it will be empty still cause i have no skills so i dont see a point in me making one. i have no work experience at all.

Began working on an Avengers-style VR game in Unreal Engine 4 back in 2019.
I’ve worked on it extensively for the past year and I’ve created some pretty cool mechanics for it.

The attached video is a showcase of Captain America’s shield capabilities. It can bounce off walls, come to your hand, and you can set custom targets for where it will be thrown to. It creates some pretty amazing results. You can bounce it off walls until it hits an enemy, make it hit the opposite wall and fly off, or anything else you could possibly imagine. Completely customizable.

I am working exclusively in blueprints, and have become well-versed in mechanic creation.

I have created other mechanical items in the game, such as a Batman Grapple Gun, and VR Laser eyes for Superman.

Please tell me what you think! I appreciate any feedback!