Looking for work - BP developer


I was learning Unreal from the days of UDK then I finished two big courses on Blueprint with Unreal 4 and 5 so I now have skills to do anything with Unreal Blueprint.

The following are demos I did from courses

Level Design:

Architect showcase

Toon tank

I am also a full stack developer (JS, SQL, PHP, C#, Delphi)
However learning never stop so I will continue learning more about Unreal

You can contact me at this email freedevme[at]gmail[dot]com

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Hi @william5642.

How are you with Blueprints Replication/Networking? I also started with UDK. Love Blueprints :heart_eyes:, miss Unrealscript :cry: Do some Web dev as well. Seeking a fellow BP Developer to develop innovative Games/Apps/more. My Bio & Portfolios {1,2}. Lets Discord if interested.

Sure thanks