Looking For Unreal Programmers For Pre-Alpha demo creation

Salutations! My team is currently looking for Unreal Engine Programmer(s) to code a pre-alpha demo for our game is possibly code the game if the kickstarter goes well!

You will be paid FOR the Pre-alpha, and if the kickstarter does go well, we will pay you to help code
the game with the successful kickstarter funds!

About the pre-alpha
The demo is going to be focusing and highlighting the best part of the game, which is powers-based and in the pre-alpha we plan to showcase a good amount of powers as well as multiplayer aspect and will be third person fighting, with perhaps first person in the future.


  • Must Be Able To Code according to what we need.

  • Must be Able To Work With Other Programmers

  • Must be able to create the powers we ask for

  • Must be able to make this multiplayer

  • Must be able to work With 3D Modellers/Artists

Interested? Here are ways to contact me:
email: vanguardgamingservers@gmail.com
Discord: General Resh#6614

Still looking for sone more devs

Looking for dev(s) still
Please have a resume, portfolio, etc to show!

What is your timeline for getting this ready before the kickstarter? From the sounds of it, “according to what we need” and “creating the powers we ask for” could be a big job and take some time. It’d be great to know a bit more about what you had in mind. Cheers!

what we need is under an NDA that will need signing :slight_smile:

Ok good stuff! I’ll send over an email :slight_smile:

Doing a bump to see if there is any other developers interested before we hire people(s)

Email sent! have a nice day

Final bump as we plan to contract developers this weekend!

Since you stopped answering to mail 20 day ago, I thought this was canceled

Looking for work.

I’m a programmer UE4 C++/Blueprints

email veshiy6666@gmail.com
discord Reasp#8012
skype veshiy666