Looking for Unreal Engine Developer with WebGL Experiance

Hey I’m Fabian Grundmann founder of NeoxEntertainment.

We are building Virtual Shopping Applications but also Elearning Tools with UnrealEngine
Those Applications should run on a Website. We tryed several hosting services like Furioos which work with pixelstreaming but as far as i know those are not really scalable since they are very expensive with 8cent / min / user you cant really host experiances with 400 and more players at the same time playing the game for 2-3 hours a day. So i am currently looking for alternatives in UE4.23 it was possible to export the game in
HTML format now this dont work anymore or only with workarounds.

We are searching developers who can export our Ue4.27 Project to HTML / WebGL or Run it somehow else on our Webiste.

If you have any Ideas and want to assist please contact me:

This is a paied possition I got the project from the company phonex contact and search for people now who can help / assist in this specific area.

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