Looking for unreal courses/tutorials that teach you making games from scratch

Hi,I did a few Unreal Engine 5 courses on Udemy and other sites that taught me the basics but all of them used a bunch of assets from the asset store, not only models but also animations, scripts plugins and also unreals templates like the ego shooter template.

My problem now is that while I was able to build some great looking and complex game with it, I have no clue how to modify and add features to work the way I want instead of how those assets were designed to work. I just don’t know the basics.

So I’m interested in courses and tutorials which teach unreal from scratch (modeling, rigging, texturing, animating, scripting, movement, controls, ui, shaders, effects etc.). I already found two great examples, but maybe you know more:


Hey @EsP_N3XUS!

I would take advantage of the Learning section here on the forums. There are many invaluable lessons posted by both Epic and Community members that cover games, programming, asset creation, you name it.

If you are just getting started, I would recommend starting with this Learning Path: