Project Title:
working title of project.
DeltaSide is a Epic uncharted like action adventure game, you play skylar, you are a part of the Galactic Defence Force. You are fighting against a AI gone rogue named “Delta” and she is attempting to kill all human life across the galaxy. Skylar makes it his mission to stop her once and for all.
- Star Wars Like atmosphere.
- Uncharted like combat
- Third person view point.
- Smooth character motion
Team Name:
Team Delta
Team Structure**:**
** (Project Creator)**
Project Managment & Game Design
Unnamed Team Member:
Character Concept Artist
Previous Work:
N/A - first title.
Talent Required:
Unreal Engine Programmer (1)
- Ability to Create 3rd Person characters as well as working in game systems
- Experience with UE4 & C++ or Blueprints.
- Expected to create working smooth character motion as well as working combat.
3D Character Artist (2)
- Experience with Maya required.
- Experience with UE4 toolset a bonus.
- Expected to create, rig and animate player, npcs.