Looking for UE4 programmer for RTS game (No payment only royality and % of income)

We are 2 animators looking for a Unreal Engine 4 programmer to create alle the programming needed in the game that examples: if 1 hits 2 then 2 dies, if 2 hits 3 then 2 dies, if 3 hits 1 then 1 dies. If spell 1 hits xelementx then create xelementx.
Its going to be a RTS wich will be crowdfunded later on but to get the project started we need to find a programmer wich is dedicated and can master every part of unreal!
The project will be started the 15th of septemper and fourth going me and my friend will create models everyday while you create the blueprints!

If anyone is interrested in hearing more about the project please contact me!

+45 31 21 81 00

Go to me :smiley: Who work with UnrealEngine4 ? - GameReplays.org

This dosent help our project though…

Are you guys good Animators? I will trade C++ programming for Character Animation

Good luck, that you find a coder you can trust.

Looks like a rip off to me.

Well depends on what you mean?
you can contact me on CB@Likan.dk or +45 31 21 81 00

Do you guys need sound engineers (music & SFX)? :slight_smile:

Yes later on we’ll need some soundtracks for the game…