Looking for Ue4 C++ command equivalents (Unity)

I’ve searched pretty long and didn’t found the equivalent these two commands, maybe someone of you knows the ue4 C++ version:


Quatification type in UE4 is FQuat and you can find all you need in API reference:

The Identity is a static const at the end of API refrence so you get it like this:


Getting it from Rotation (which in UE4 is FRotator) you can either do that by direcly constructing FQuat from FRotator:


or from convert directly from function in rotator:


Explore recommand APIre refrence, here basic geometric types:

All basic math operations contained n FMath it has operations for C++ primitives like int32 and float, all of them are static functions do you call them starting with FMath:: :

FGenericPlatformMath | Unreal Engine Documentation (use FMath:: for those regardless)