Hi, I’m from . We are an up and coming indie studio. We currently have six talented people working for and we are looking to grow the company. We are also working on a project that we feel will have a lot of success. Now that we have our foot in the door we’re looking to grow, please understand that we are an indie Studio and that we do not have a lot of money to give you in payment. Also please understand that any money that will be given is coming directly out of the owner’s pocket, so with that being said we are looking to bring on people who are willing to help or join the company. If you are interested in joining the team we ask that you agree to sign/complete a Non-disclosure agreement.
Tried to visit your homepage at FoxMoonStudios.com. Unfortunately, it cannot be reached I most likely goofed your Studio domain name. FoxMoonStudios.com is available). If you do not have a Studio homepage, I would highly encourage doing so, not just a facebook. You could even secure the domain name and point to your Facebook. I helped a few teams and individuals set one up like ArcadeKomodo.com, HeadlessStudios.com, TheGameDevStore.com, and HPQuest.com.
Need to tell us more about your game to attract game devs. Provide more detail, heck even put a video together asking for what talents you need. It work for me over here.