Looking for someone to partner with and learn


I’m currently looking for someone to partner with to learn things together. At the moment, I am writing a story for my game (a horror/survival co-op), but it’s quite far off in terms of actually being able to put it together in the engine; so I’m not really focusing on that right now. I’m just trying to inch my way towards it, learning what I can in the process (for instance, I modeled a door and managed to get it to open with an animation by pressing “E” when near it). It may not seem like a lot but I was happy that I managed to do even that. I’ve been putting a few hours in every/other day and get a little bit more experience each time, but I’ve been wanting someone to basically bounce ideas off of and share experience with. If there was someone else there, I’d feel more inclined to practice full-time rather than just “when I get that urge.”

At the moment, I can’t say that I have many skills because I haven’t been challenged with anything (and challenging myself is hard at times), but I am a decent modeler when it comes to Maya. I haven’t gotten to a point where I know exactly what I want to specialize in, but I do know that modeling has been something I’ve had no trouble with thus far. For me, it’s unfortunately hard to gain motivation when I’m working alone since there’s no one to show what I’ve just accomplished or to get feedback from (of course there is the forums, but still…:D). It doesn’t matter what your skillset is (or also if you don’t know what you want to focus on either), I don’t mind sharing what I know to help.

Just for everyone to understand, this isn’t a thread to get people to join my development team for this game, but rather looking for someone that just wants to learn the ins-and-outs of multiple subjects/programs (or try to anyway) and most of all have fun doing it. My only “requirement” is that you’re able to speak -or more like type :wink: - English well. I live in the U.S. I’m not trying to meet in person or anything at this point, and am fine with just partnering over the computer. If anyone is interested or would like more information first, just let me know with a reply or a PM, thanks!

I’m interested. Right now I’m in the very beginning stages of teaching myself AI with either blueprints or C++ but I have built a few static scenes. I have a subscription to Subtance Live so I can make some decent materials.

Here is a scene I created before I got Substance Live and learned how to create spectacular maps so it is done using materials that came with Unreal or Mixamo Fuse and MakeHuman, which I used to create the the characters aside from the giant bear which I downloaded from some model sharing site.

Hi. I’m a beginner, I would be intersted in helping you because i want to learn how to make video games. I started learning UE4 and Maya 2 month ago and that was my first exeprience. I did a little programming for school but don’t expect me to be good at C++. I don’t speak english very well and i never did any real project on UE4, I would be happy to help you during my spare time, I just want to get some skill.

Hi there

We are looking for team members. Experience would be great, but happy to take on people starting out - we are looking for people who are willing to learn and at times step out of their comfort zone.

Here is a link to our ad - Project Name – Lion Heart - Multiple Positions Available [ROYALTY] - Job Offerings - Unreal Engine Forums

And you can always get in touch with me via email at estie.bothma@flysoftworks.com.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Hi all, thanks for your replies; I had begun to think it was a lost cause. I’ve sent PMs to each of you.