Looking for Skilled and Experienced Game Video Producer

We are looking for someone to help us produce one or more 1-2 minute videos promoting our game.

This is paid contract work.

If interested, please PM me with experience and portfolio examples, Thanks.

Hey! Can’t find the PM option, so I’ll just post my info here for you.

Name is Gage, and I work with game developers and publishers around the world on their Console, PC, and Mobile games by creating professional trailers, cinematics, developer diaries, live-action promos, and more. Done this for both large and small games (SCP: Containment Breach, Tenebrae, Metris Soccer, etc…)

My site: www.gageallen.com
My reel: https://vimeo.com/178109568

I am also the Creative Director of Player One Trailers, a game media company that does the same thing: Create professional game trailers, cinematics, and more!

Our site: www.playeronetrailers.com

Hope that helps! Let me know if you’d like to talk some more about what you are looking for.

Nice portfolio! Thanks, I sent you an email directly from your site.