Hi, My names and I’m looking for a enthusiastic programmer or blueprinter to help with my small game.
I am a producer, 3D modeler, Sound Producer, Marketing, and a jack of many trades. I have connections with my favorite few trustworthy devs as well, who are always down to help on an upcoming project.
What I need is somebody to make a mock creation (spitten image) of Classic Doom gameplay mechanics.
Such as:
Basic enemy AI similar to how dooms AI works,
Interactive Switches for doors, platforms, lights.
Weapon and health variables
And perhaps multiplayer down the road.
My goal is very small, and I don’t aim to make a huge game.
I will provide a link to some of my 3D work below, keep in mind they aren’t textured, as I usually a hire a contractor to texture my my mesh for me.
Upon interest, we can discuss pay/royalties. But don’t expect anything more than 1K upfront, especially if you’re doing this in blueprints.
A large sum of pay will solely depend on your effort and and time put into the game, as well as your share of the percentage of profits.
Please email me at if you would like to discuss finer details there.