**Good day! I’am searhing for paid work in office. I’am not proffessional and do not require hight sallary, just basic things for living. Have experience in different areas. Working hardly with UE4 more then one year. I am searching the wotk in office because believe that it has high consequence on performance and has influence directly to work. Also you will be able to controll the process.
I am 24 years old and living in Republic of Moldova
Can offer full time work and more, depends on conditions. Here is my works:
What I am expecting:
Office fow work
Minimum salary for living ( enougth for food, place for living, and other things like this)
Working in team ( exchanging experince)
Stable work relations ( no discrimenation or something like this)
You can connect with me by email arkadiy.tregubenco@gmail.com
Or the fastes way letting the comment under video in youtube.
Thanks for attention!**