Hi there. My name is Jéferson, I’m 37 years old, graduated in computer engineering. Started to learn Unreal Engine about 3 months ago since the pandemics and lock downs happened. I am currently unemployed, looking for any experience and help to work for free in any real projects so I can sharp my skills, little skills yet. But I have to start somewhere right. I hope I can get a paid work in the game development industry later on but need the experience first. Any help will be appreciated . I have a good hardware and internet connection so home office is NOT a problem. Thx in advance. I am from Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil.
Hello there Jéferson,
We are a small indie team that has been working on a new MMO title 'Rise of Titans" and are always looking to welcome some new team members to help us accomplish this big project. We have made incredible progress with completing the framework, map in development and putting together main features for the MMO. Depending on your interest there may be some great options for you to explore with us!
Please email me at jordan@archagestudios.com for more information or you can message me through here as well. Either works!
Olá Jeferson. Posso te ajudar a achar algum projeto gringo! Me passe um e-mail ou fale comigo no privado. Vlw
Hi there ! We are a indie team that works on a FPS project “IK REVOLUTION” (That’s not the official name ^^) We need new members to make this project live so contact me : kendalhatipoglu@gmail.com