Looking for feedback regarding a Unity implementation of Unreal's GameplayAbilitySystem

I’m working on a game prototype which heavily utilizes a custom Unity port of GAS. I’ve implemented features like AbilityTasks, GameplayTags, GameplayCues, and what I think are most of the core (non-replicated/multiplayer) features of GAS, and I’ve been documenting the implementation of various abilities in my prototype.

Since I have no actual experience with Unreal, I’d like to post one of my dev blogs here in order to get some feedback from devs who know Unreal’s GAS. I don’t necessarily need my version to be a 1:1 clone of the real thing, but I’d really like to know if there are any features that I’ve understood incorrectly or anything significant I’m missing that I might regret later.

Is this an acceptable place to post a link to my devlog for feedback?

Consider posting it here:
