Hi folks,
I’m looking for programmer who can help me to add some extra functionality to existing game project (Generic Shooter from marketplace). That will be a batch of changes to create a base for top down multiplayer shooter. So the first changes will be about camera and character control. So far this is my own hobby project but I’d like to discuss a payment for this work. (we can split full process for small separate tasks to make this safe for all sides). I’m looking for person with experience in real game development.
I’m artist/tech artist with over 6 years professional background. And few AAA finished project. And have a good experience with UE4. So I’ll do my best to make tasks clear for understanding and avoid a brainwash. But I’m also waiting for professional attitude from you. This is hobby project and this mean not so strong timetable and no hurry.
I’m currently on pre production period. So we have a time time do discuss everything.
If you interested please contact me via email
with regards to UE community.