Our project title is:
Archline: War of Worlds.
The theme of this game is a team based FPS MOBA in 1v1v1 style. The goal is to complete singular team based objectives
while preventing the other two teams from doing so.
-Gritty, Dark futuristic style
-FPS MOBA Mix with unique objectives
-First Person
Our current team structure is:
Director, Music and Sound, Story
Pre Testing, Balancing, Accounting
Coding, Blueprinting
3D Models, Map design
We have no previous works, as this is our first project.
Talent we are in need of:
Concept Artist:
-Need to make a dark, realistic look with a futuristic vibe
-Gritty weapon art
-Map concepts of a abandonded utopia
-Will help design props and aethstetics
You can contact me at:
I am the one with the picture of the pokemon Giratina.