Looking for collaboration partner to help with an A.R project

Hi, we need to create a large LED screen that plays footage, (not live), and synced audio. This is for an A.R presentation on the Quest 3 headset. We can create the geometry but we’re struggling to find a solution to have the footage play on the screen with audio. We’d also like the ability to scroll through channels, using the controllers on the LED screen to maybe show concerts as well all inside the headset. If this is something you could pull together for us or need more information, or if it could be an online real time tutorial, please let me know. If it’s a tutorial you can create please send examples of anything similar with an idea on costs. Thank you.

Hello Jezrem,

My name is Andrew, and I am a developer and co-founder of ProventusNova.

We are a tech startup that offers software development services.

We are experts in embedded software and media development.
We would love to hear more from you.

Would you be opposed to jumping into a quick call so we can go over your project requirements so we can see if we would be a good fit?

ContactUs: support@proventusnova.com