Looking for C++ Programmers

Description: A fast paced monster shooter, 3rd person, with leveling features and multiplayer.
-fast paced action
-lots of weaponry
-dark yet slightly cartoon atmosphere

Team structure:

Justin Saunders (Project/Team creator)
Project management, programmer - 2 months

Mitchell Stanton
Head of music production - 2 months

Morgan Simons
Programmer - 1 month

Austin Stage
Story Writer - 2 months

Lacey Small
Graphics Artist - 4 days

Andy Avina
Video Production and Editing - 2 days

Previous Work
This is our first project. No previous work as team.

Talent Required
C++ Programmer (3)
-Must have used C++ with UE4 previously
-Expected to be able to program gameplay mechanics, such as leveling up and AI

My Discord: Justin#5999