Looking for an Unreal Project to which I can Contribute!

Now that Unreal will be getting a new scripting language in Verse, I’d like to join a project that will help me to ramp up on Unreal! I’ve been professionally developing Unity games for several years and am looking to position myself in the Unreal development universe.

I don’t require any compensation, but if you can offer it that would help me to financially sustain my contribution effort!

My professional gamedev resume is available upon request.


im keen ive got an idea

Hey, I am looking for a team much like yourself. I got a few years of experience in UE5, so I feel like this will be a simplified version of that.

I did make my own post, but it still needs to be reviewed.

If you want, you could DM me and ask me for my discord, we could chat and see if we’re on the same page!

Cheers, and good luck either way!

Anyone still looking for a project to work on?