Looking for an iOS build engineer

Hi, we are a team of 7 – 2 gameplay engineers, 2 level designers, a game artist, a UI artist, and a musician. Among us we’ve got over a decade of experience working for game studios. Our issue occurs when we export our game from Unreal to iOS. The issue happens when we archive the project in Xcode or when we try to upload the xarchive (output of Build > iOS) to iTunesConnect. If anyone has the knowledge in the domain specifically, we would pay $200 to get this issue resolved. Payment through venmo or Paypal.

“The issue happens when we archive the project in Xcode or when we try to upload the xarchive (output of Build > iOS) to iTunesConnect”

what error it shows?

The project is a blueprint project and we created an empty class to make it a codebase project to be able to create an Xcode project.

We are able to create an Xcode project successfully. We were also able to build the project in Xcode successfully (Although that is broken currently). When I try to Archive the project to upload it to iTunesConnect, I get this error -
hown: /Users/---------/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TrumpyHair-gaexnwqubzfewxgcmdawcikhiedc/ArchiveIntermediates/TrumpyHair/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/UE4Editor.app: No such file or directory

Command /usr/sbin/chown failed with exit code 1

I checked in that folder, the .app file is missing, I tried to force copy the .app file in that location but when I run Archive it clears the ArchiveIntermediates subfolder.

Any thoughts? What is causing this issue? An alternative way to archive the project.

You must package only from UE.

XCode is only for humans - UE uses its own build system to package game.

In ios package settings you configure the profile and code signing to use

I would also suggest trying to use project launcher through the editor. It is more explicit in it’s steps to package and deploy on each platform.