Looking for an explanation of tutorial line of code

Hi, after working through this tutorial http://orfeasel.com/consuming-data-tables/ I was wondering if someone could explain the line

     FString output = FString::FromInt((*Row).XpToLevel);

Specifically the (*Row).XpToLevel call.

Is FromInt calling the address of Row and the XpToLevel is an object contained in that address? The pointer terminology and methodology is still a little confusing to me so any further explanation is much appreciated. Thanks!

Row is a pointer to an FPlayerStats object somewhere else in memory. Let’s go step by step:

*Row : dereference the pointer. You can then use the object it points at like any other object
(*Row).XpToLevel : read the XpToLevel field on that object (seems to be an int)
FString::FromInt((*Row).XpToLevel) : convert the int to a string

Now I’m not sure why the author of that tutorial wrote (*Row).XpToLevel, you can also write Row->XpToLevel which looks much better and does the exact same thing.

This is exactly what I was looking for, thanks!