Looking for an Educator

Hello community, I am really new to the Unreal Engine 4, and infact, new to game development in general. I have helped doing some level design for mods and other games but never an actual game from scratch, as I am only somewhat experienced in level design with CryEngine, UDK, Unity and Arma 3 Tools

My friend who is somewhat experienced in programming (C#, java, html, etc) and I were going to start somewhere small with the backbones of the game, ie; a multiplayer first/third person open world, add content and hopefully build it up to make a full game based on our expansive game design documents (20+ pages worth of detailing the game and its features).

Is there any anbody available to help us learn how to use Unreal Engine 4 and help us get the bare bones together? We would really appreciate it!


I will close this thread because you already have one with the same topic: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?60155-Looking-for-an-Educator&p=230211#post230211 :slight_smile: