Looking for an approach when you have one file and multiple tasks to read/write

Hi guys!

I must use N tasks to read and write things inside a file, and I’m using FAutoDeleteAsyncTask to do it.

Since the combined usage of FCriticalSection and FScopeLock doesn’t do what I was expecting (to make a task collect the data from an existing file, append some other information and overwrite it, when locking the scope and imposing a wait state for the other tasks), I thought to use TQueue in a Producer/Consumer way, but I never use TQueue before. Or should I use FEvent to make those Tasks Wait() the one manipulating the file call FEvent::Trigger()?

Could point me some examples?

Here is my snippet btw:

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. - Pastebin.com

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. - Pastebin.com

Any advice will be appreciated!
