Hey everyone, I have been a programmer (in C/C++, Assembly, C#, Delphi, etc) for a very long time – not too far from 20 years now! I’m MAINLY a C++ coder, but I work in C# and some others quite a bit currently as well (but I am by far the most comfortable with C++ - it was the first language I learned).
I have been interested in game development this entire time. Its actually THE reason I learned how to code. When I got started, I thought game dev would be fairly simple… Something I could jump into after a little bit of time of learning C++. As I’m sure many of you figured as soon as you read that… I soon found out it was INSANELY complex and would take far more time than I thought lol. Well, by the time I had the required skill to actually dive into it, I was far too busy with many different projects. But now I am about to finish a massive project, and the next goal is developing a game with my team!
I have some courses (from Udemy) on Unreal Engine development, I bought a few books on it, and I have looked at the engine a bit (I need to look at it a lot more though, I want to become extremely familiar with it). I am now starting to learn more about it, when I’m not busy with the current project.
I am interested in developing a strategy game a bit like Hearts of Iron 4. It is going to be a World War 2 strategy game, 100% realistic (meaning everything is completely historically accurate). I’ve had this idea for many years. I recently told a friend about it, and he said it sounded a bit like “Hearts of Iron”. So I bought their latest game, and its a LITTLE like that. There will be a few similarities, but I would say my idea is about 90% different (they’re going to be extremely different from each other, except the fact they’re both WW2 sandboxes)… But one thing I LOVE about the game is how they have the map laid out… The game essentially uses tiles and breaks the world up into tiles. I want to do pretty much the exact same thing, as I’m sure this makes some aspects of the game far more simple to develop, and much better for the hardware to handle (versus the armies being able to go anywhere and everywhere).
I have attached 2 screenshot to show the exact tile layout I am referring to. Please take a look at them!
Do you all have any recommendations for me? Any excellent sources of knowledge I should acquire? Anything you think I should look into? I’m sure once I learn a lot more about the UE and what not, I’ll understand how to go about this far better. I just figured I would post here as well and see if anyone had any sort of recommendations. I am ALL EARS! I am ecstatic to hear any ideas you all have for me!
You all would help me SOOOOOO much by telling me EVERYTHING you think I should get to learn from!
Here are the resources I have currently purchased:
- Mastering Unreal Technology Volume 1
- Mastering Unreal Technology Volume 2
- Unreal Development Kit Game Programming with UnrealScript
- 1 of the Udemy courses showing how to develop different types of game with the UE.
I’m currently not very interested in developing FPS or any sort of game like that… Right now I am 100% focused on a strategy game (again, a bit like HoI4, but far more realistic, etc). So please don’t list anything that ONLY focuses on FPS games or anything that isn’t like what I am aiming for… Unless you feel it has information that you feel would be very beneficial to my project (or to me learning the UE in general, that other sources don’t have or don’t cover as well).
You all would be helping me SOOOOOOOOOOO much!
Also, if you can think of anything I should look over concerning the map layout (the tiles, etc)… Any sort of tutorial/video/whatever (or if you have a good explanation?) please tell me!