Looking for additional part-time team members to help us with our ARPG

Project Title:
Natural Balance - Chronicles

A single player ARPG where the activities of every player in the game world affects the global energy balance for everyone. Complete a quest, pray at a shrine, kill an opposing faction, use the transportation system, and other actions all increase and/or decrease associated pools of energy. When there is too much of an imbalance in a pool, events occur for everyone. And since players can have characters on both sides, it creates a never ending struggle that produces unscripted results to support long-term replayability. All of this while progressing through a story and end-game content.

Team Name:
Tocino Games (http://tocinogames.cl/natural_balance_chronicles)

Team Structure**:**
Steve Busko - Project Creator / Lead
Rafael - Technical Director
Elham - Lead Writer

Previous Work:
Steve - Development Manager (EA) - Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
REFERENCE: https://www.mobygames.com/game/windo…koning/credits

Currently Needed Part-Time Talent:

  • UI Designer - All aspects of design and integration within UE4
  • **Concept Artist **- Produce concept character, items, and/or environmental art
  • **3D Modeler(s) **- Weapons, Armor, Accessories, and/or Environmental assets
  • Particle Effects Designer - Any types of effects that are needed
  • Art Director - To help use define a final color set and style for the general game and UI.

NOTES: All positions must be able to speak / read English and be willing and able to use Discord for voice communications and Trello for project management. Any art positions must also provide an art portfolio. A strong passion for and experience with ARPGs like Diablo 3 is a HUGE bonus. Additional details of the game will be provided to team members who are selected.

If you are interested in working with us, we will work with you to provide you with the opportunity to improve your skills and grow your experience / art portfolio. If you have interest for a more long-term commitment, then we can discuss those options too. But for the moment there is currently no funding available for monetary compensation. You can work at your own pace / schedule and you will receive credit for anything that you provide, even if it is just one thing.

Natural Balance Discord Group - Discord

Key Game Development Tenants:

  • To develop a top tier ARPG that maintains the core essence of an ARPG, but designed with a better balance of features
  • To address many of the shortcomings of similar games
  • Add unique gameplay features to help with replayability
  • Flexibility - accessible to novices but challenging to the experts
  • Polish matters

Next Major Development Goal:
Produce a polished, working demo to be used to seek funding.

Link to a very early developer’s video - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7fuado

Thank you for your time!