Looking for a way to verse equip vehicle mods

Hi fellow developers,

I’m looking for a way to equip vehicle mods via verse but I don’t see any kind of Equip function. I’d like something like the cow catcher to auto-equip when run over or something that triggers it so the player doesn’t have to get out a throw it. Much like the current season has the vehicle mod boxes. Those don’t seem to be exposed yet in UEFN.


Hi Trance Fury,

Excellent suggestion. I don’t think that there is an elegant way to do this with Verse. (Tire Selection and ‘Spawn With Cow Catcher’ are exposed as settings on the vehicle spawn pad, So I can only imagine a super-janky solution where a new vehicle is spawned/teleported and you are assigned to it)

I’d bet that the ‘Vehicle mod box’ system will be released in the next update or 2 (on/by 8/6/24?)


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