Looking for a way for Real time workflow

I have moved into a co. as there network support for an indie game. Im looking for a way for them to be able to load and save to a Server. I am Having a hard time finding anything about this cause I am Not familiar with Unreal terms. So what I need is the best way for Sally to Open the Project do what is needed and when saved it updates for Everyone else. I was going to do the the Normal way Or FTP But I was told there is a Way to do this in Unreal 4. In Idea the Best solution is have it hosted and Changes be real time so that Members can work on the project at the same time and it be updated. This way they don’t have to worry about saving over progress. If That is available to Unreal 4 a link would be appreciated. Im open to ideas as well.

I would love to know this as well… Me and the team I was working with for a school project were using dropbox/google drive and it does get hard to keep up sometimes but it did work.