@ the mods of this forum sorry to kind of ‘double post’. As I was posting things my mind kind of changed so I deleted the old post and made a new one.
Hello everyone, my name is Jesse, I have been working with several game making tools for like 24 years. Overal with more down time than up time, but needless to say is that it’s a hobby of mine. Amen to RPG Maker and the likes haha.
I’ve always enjoyed art and know my way with various art tools, like Krita and Aseprite, and i’m looking at expanding to Clip Studio, those community brushes seem awesome.
I know the fundamentals of programs like blender and such as well, in my past few years around the UE community i’ve had to try and learn so many programs and blueprints, the UE visual scripts.
I’ve never really specialized in anything, I like every aspect of shaping a world. From the code to world building to experiencing the game itself. I’m going to start an education to get better at coding in a few months though, so that is very exciting.
Whether you have a team and want to invite me, or have ideas for setting up a new team, I don’t really care, just let me know, i’m interested, let’s go.
Discord: UsuallyGuilty#2509
TL:DR; I love making games, i’m looking for people that want to team up together. Experienced or not, only people over 18 though. I see a lot of back and forth on this forum where people ask each other if they are still ‘on it’. I feel like getting a group of together in a few days and just going ham on making a new game mode. (my idea would be a rogue-like… ROGUENITE)