Good evening dear friends
I am looking for a suitable forum here on a non-commercial cooperation website. Please direct me to the appropriate forum
Thank you, I am waiting…
Here are non-commercial cooperation websites for some hobbies i find fascinating:
- Extreme Ironing: Forum: Extreme Ironing Bureau
- Ferret Legging: Forum: Ferret Association of the UK
- Trampoline Wall Dancing: Forum: Trampoline Enthusiast Forums
- Worm Charming: Forum: Worm Charming Association
- Toy Voyaging: Forum: ToyVoyagers
- Shin-Kicking: Forum: Cotswold Olimpick Games
- Soap Carving: Forum: Soap Carving Community
- Fantasy Map Making: Forum: Cartographers’ Guild
- Cloud Watching: Forum: Cloud Appreciation Society
- Ostrich Racing: Forum: Ostrich Racing Association
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Even ChatGPT had a giggle.
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