Looking for a partner to join me on my dev journey of a single player, 2 character stylized puzzle game

Hi everyone! :balloon:My name is Olliver, 20 yo from Sweden. I’ve been doing CGI since the end of 2019, started learning gameplay code & software engineering in 2020. Im currently creating a a top-down single player 2 character puzzle game where the player has to switch between the characters to solve puzzle challenges (scroll down a bit for images & videos :3 ) & Im looking for someone to join me on my dev journey!

My project


Its set in a medieval times, with a style that I would like to describe like “modernized PS2 era” where Im leveraging the new polycount possibilities of UE5 whilst trying to get a very childrens friendly cartoony look that you see in older games like Sly Cooper, Ratchet & Clank & Rayman Legends. The goal of the project is to make an intellectually challenging game that can be played by all ages (adults & children), a secondary goal is to try and find creative ways of inducing educative content.


Primary platform target is PC. Once the game has matured a bit (probably after initial launch) PlayStation & Xbox (and potentially other platforms if we’re able to port it) is a secondary goal.


Although I dont have a set deadline, its a smaller game with relatively low quality requirements, so Im trying to be mindful on how much work every decision will result in (In other words: as long as the game looks and feels appealing from a customer standpoint Im not a fanatic about that everything has to be perfect). Hence I believe the project will be at a shippable state in 1-3 months at current pace, with someones (like your) help perhaps sooner!

The project started just about 2 weeks ago, so its still young :slight_smile:

What Im looking for

Im looking for a partner to join me on my journey and bring the game to life, we would be sharing the same rights and have the same influence over important gameplay features (in other words, Im not looking for someone to boss around :slight_smile: ). The work you put in would be on your terms & if it turns out you want to leave the project at mid-development, you would still be credited for your work & be receiving a fair share of the generated equity (something we would be discussing and agreeing over).

In terms of what Im looking for for skills, Im very open to people of various skills, Im not looking for a particular skill, but rather someone who is enthusiastic and can help create a good development atmosphere, provide good feedback and do what work they see is required (all of which you would do on your own terms and by an amount of time of your own choosing). Im also looking for someone who may be good at coming up with ideas for gameplay features, although as already stated, there are no requirements for any particular skill.

As my skillset is somewhat broad Im quite confident can fill most holes that you may lack knowledge in. :3

About me

Ive been doing CGI since the end of 2019, started learning gameplay programming & software development in 2020 (which is probably my stronger side atm). I do 3D work, UI, gameplay code & various tools for artists (see my github: ItsCubeTime · GitHub ). Unfortunately my art portfolio is a little empty atm but: ArtStation - officernickwilde , I have a history of doing a lot of sci-fi futuristic art, but unfortunetely I lost my enthusiasm for it, so I decided to exclude all of that from my current portfolio. Im also running a small but fast growing Unreal Engine Discord community (I wont link it here for the sake of not upsetting any moderators - Ive posted it on another thread on this forum however).

Im familiar with Blender, Quixel Mixer, Unreal Engine), Krita. I want to learn Ardour and music creation in the not-too-distant future. For the project Im mostly using Blender for the art assets.

In the past I’ve coded with Python, C#, C++, Blueprint. Im also learning JavaScript, CSS & HTML.

So, what does the game look like?

Now to the fun part! Images & gifs! :partying_face::tada: :smile:
Mind again, the project started just about 2 weeks ago, so its still young, but this should give you an idea of the scope of the visuals. :slight_smile: So far the little art thats in the game currently has been made by me from the ground up, mostly using Blender.


^ (dont mind the red boxes :3 , they are something I use for debugging movement as Im using a (basic) from-scratch movement engine)


^ (Im considering to rework the UI and go for something cleaner but still playful)

An in editor screenie


  • Discord (preffered) danieljackson#0286 You can send me a DM over Discord also if you join: Unreal Engine
  • olliver.aira@gmail.com Yes with 2 L in Olliver - I receive a lot of emails so it may take me a few days to see any messages sent through here

Thank you so much for reading :gift_heart: Lots of love from Sweden


Looks like a great opportunity to me!
I’m a Prolific Java programmer with 4+ years of experience and a solid background in RESTful and JSP development but I’m currently engaged in various projects.
But definitely, I’ll share this opportunity in my network. Hope you find a great partner.

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Thank you @cthroughit, hopefully I will find someone as enthusiastic as you :slight_smile:

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Hi do you have age requirements or knowledge requirements?
if not i would like to help