The subject is a tabletop gaming app, but it is not a game. It will need 2-8 people to be able to log into the same instance in a host/join method. I can do basic things in UE4 but in the time it takes for me to limp around, I can make a lot of models and art.
It will have some features similar to the level editor in the asset store by F1rstContent. I refer to that only as an example of a few similar features. I have been researching similar features and have found them all in different examples. Most can likely be done with blueprints. Getting them to all work together is where I need help.
My only requirement is finding someone with a good work ethic. I work everyday and want to avoid a situation where things never get done. I understand people do not have time to work for free and whatifs.
I would be happy to schedule a voice chat to discuss.