Looking for a Level Designer (Weekend Project)

UPDATE: Filled!

Looking for a level designer who can build simple bunker/rooms/research labs etc like are present in Arkham Asylum. Depending on your expertise, you might be able to do this in your sleep :slight_smile: Please let me know if you are a level designer and available.



We are interested and we are available.

Our level samples

DIStudios Poland is full-service digital outsourcing team.
The whole range of our skills you can check at https://dis.artstation.com/ and http://distudios.pl

If you are interested in our services i’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards
Adrian Hofman


tel: +48 602811968
discord: adriandis

Hi VGDaGamerDad,

I’m an Unreal Engine Level Designer and 3D Environment Artist with 8+ years experience in Unreal. You can see my 3D Art Portfolio here: ArtStation - Dyoto Orion

If you’re still looking for a Level Designer to assist you with making bunker / rooms / research labs then I’m sure I can help. My rates are hobbyist / indie friendly.

If you’d like to have a chat about how I can assist you then please feel free to message me on Discord. Username: dyotoorion
Or drop me an email at: interastral@gmail.com

Have a great day! Cheers! :slight_smile:

Sent you a discord request. It’ll show up as “gameydaddy”. Thanks!

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Thanks! Talk to ya on Discord! :slight_smile: