hey there,
ive been pulled in to UE4 because i dont know how to code. it really doesnt gel with me, never has. im primarily an artist/designer/musician/gamer. but blueprints, i can get. im trying to soak up as much as i can, and i am looking for any good game design theory books i can read on my kindle (or phone/physical if i have to) while on the train or in bed, that i can apply to blueprint.
i want to make a very simple fps (think serious sam), and my first tries i am going to make a very very simple maze level with no A.I and simple switches. something with a real beginning & real ending. that would make me so very very happy… - its such a cool way for people with no coding skills to actually be able to get into game design rather than swapping models about and making levels, which has been all i could achieve properly up till now. im really stoked for this type of scripting!
so yeah, any advice on game theory i can read up on would be amazing! im going through all the tutorials here, and have downloaded the kitatus ebook to read. something for FPS making and game A.I. that i could apply to blueprint would be amazing!
cheers for any help