Looking for a couple of features in the World Outliner

I started using UE4 a few months ago and overall I’m really enjoying it. There’s a couple of editor features I’m used to from Unity and haven’t found in UE yet and I’m wondering if I’m just missing them or they don’t actually exist:

  1. Given a specific actor instance in the world outliner, find all the places it’s referenced. If I use the reference viewer, I just get all references to the blueprint class. I know UE keeps track of this list, because if I try to delete the actor, I can see all the references in the warning popup. Is there a less awkward way to get this data?
  2. Find all actors in the world outliner that contain a specific type of component, e.g. I’d like to find all actors containing a UBoxComponent.

Googling either of these seems to just bring up ways to do these things programmatically.