Looking for a blueprint way to pause/move my security camera

Hey, I’ve got a set of security cameras that will track when a player is passing through them, I would like to have a way of either temporarily stopping their script that tells them to rotate back and forth or twist their model so it’s no longer aiming in that direction.

I could reasonably destroy them and respawn them in the same spot X seconds later but it wouldn’t fit with the theme of my game as well.

Is there a not too complex direction to manage either of these issues?

Assuming the rotation is achieved via Timeline Updates, you can pause / resume it as you please.

It is through Timeline thankfully. Is there a smooth way to do it? I think I might have an idea or so.

What do you mean by smooth?

Well my idea has probably ten nodes minimum and thirty minutes of head scratching. I am not great with blueprints but it’s the medium of choice for this small project.

If by smooth, you mean straightforward: