State of the search
I’m not looking / I’m still looking
Project title
Goriax (Is not the final name, just the name project).
It is a third person game for PC where you join more players to fight against bosses in the PvE style of the mmorpg, looking for online companions to help you defeat your enemy, where everyone does their respective work, such as tank, dps or heal, in groups of 5 or 10 players.
The difference with other mmorpg is that here, since there is no open world, you will not have to go through it doing hundreds of missions and using many hours to get to the content that really interests you, which, in the case of PvE, are the dungeons and raids.
Objectives of the project
For this project we will first make a demo that will only be the boss of a 5 player dungeon.
The first phase of this project is to release a video gameplay for crowdfunding (kickstarter maybe), so we will focus more on the visual, which could be falsified if the mechanics do not work. If the crowdfunding gives green light would be the game, which if in turn would work would be updated in the future with more dungeons and bands. The ideal would be to make a playable demo.
If this game generates benefits outside crowdfunding, the profits will be distributed depending on the work and disbursement of each one.
Unreal. If you want to learn how to use this software with the project, you can.
Required profiles
At the moment 1** Programmers** (if has multiplayer knowledge in Unreal better).
1 **Rigger / Animator
1 Environment Artist**
It would be ideal if you can devote at least 7 hours by week.
It is a plus if you have experience with high level PvE content in some mmorpg.
Team structure
- Me, Pablo** (Environment artist)**.
**- Artem (UI Artist)
Apostolos (Programmer)
Yasmin (Character Artist)**
Waiting until the team are ready.
Additional Information
I have the GDD, it depends on the work but, I think the demo could be done in 6 months.
Here I leave an image I did months ago of what I did of the project in Unity, where basically I have been testing (The project is doing in Unreal now):
This is how is the project currently: