Good morning,
I have a little issue : when my game is launched, when I move the mouse left or right the spawn can see in that direction, whcich is fine ! I can look around a room just with the mouse, however when I click somewhere in the game this functionnality stops, and if I want to look around with the mouse I must first left-click, keeo the left button pressed and then move around … Is it please possible to do that without pressing the left mouse because it is not convenient for the player ?
Thank you in advance !
The player character looking around without LMB pressed is the default behaviour, so it seems that you might have some code/config in your project that is altering this.
Take a look at any customisations you made to the Player Character or Player Controller.
sorry I was dumb, I tested it in the player scene in unreal, not with the .exe after packagin …it is working