[ROYALTY] Gameplay Programmers, the Heath Games team invites you to join us!
IndieDB Page: Half-Rats - MOPAT Windows game - Mod DB
Project Title:
Half-Rats (Project MOPAT)
A Paranormal/Steampunk FPS/RPG hybrid taking place in the united states during the late 19th century. It centers around the exploits of one “Half-Rats”, a cynical, bitter protagonist who’s led a rough and tumble life, and has a history rife with traumatic events - along with a drinking problem.
Team Structure**:**
Kurt Nelson - Project Director, Writer, Designer
Oliver Curtis - Level Designer
Cameron - Gameplay Programmer
- AI Programmer
Nicholas Welch - Animator
Saurav Sihna - Character Artist
Sergey Karabaev - Weapon Artist - Environment Artist/Texture Artist
Joe Bolzenius - Environment Artist/Texture Artist - Environment Artist/Texture Artist
- Prop Artist
Devan Miller - HG Resident VA
Previous Work:
Half-Rats: A fever Dream 2015 (Mod)
Half-Rats: Parasomnia 2016 (Mod)
Talent Required:
Gameplay Programmers
- Familiar with UE4’s animation tools and getting animations/aimspaces/blendspaces/etc. set up for multiple weapons, characters and features.
- Familiar with Unreal’s GUI and getting that functioning with the backend.
- Creating procedural item/weapon spawns with varied stats.
E-mail: [EMAIL="
A little fun during prototyping…