Look at interpolation time param not working

Hello! So basically I got my character to look at the player by using a simple look at on the Z axis with the head bone, no big deal.
The thing is, I cannot seem to make it change the head direction gradually.

There are the “interpolation time” and “interpolation type” pins, but they don`t seem to do anything: the head rotation time seems to be instant!

Is there something I am missing?

Here`s a screenshot

Having same issue in 4.19.2. Did you ever get a resolution?

I have a similar issue too. In my case interpolation works at the begin play, but any movement than is instant. Any update?

I’m having exactly the same issue on 4.19 right now… Haven’t found a clue :frowning:

Same issue, 4.20

Hey! I’m from the future: this issue stills happening. Have anyone found a workaround for it?

It appears to be resetting the previous position that uses for the interpolation every time the target value changes. You can reproduce this behavior by setting an interpolation threshold and moving the look at sphere from the preview.

But I’m still looking for a solution without having to use event tick or blueprints.

Hey Epic, here in 2023. 6 years of people reporting Interpolation Time is not working. Any update on this? Can we get someone from Epic to actually respond here? Forums really appear to be where people looking for help with Unreal go to die. Searching anything on google about UE you are likely to find a 5-6 year old post with no answers. So here we are again.


UE5.3 still bugged.


Ok got it working, there is no tooltip so not very easy to understand but:

Interpolation time = how long it takes to interpolate…larger values will take longer
Interpolation Trigger Threshold = minimum Look At angle before interpolation will start (i.e. if you set it to 35 the Look At node will not start interpolating until the bone is less than 35 degrees away from pointing at the target)

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January 2024, still not working. My work around was to simply do it myself. Set the look up node interpolation time to 1.0 and its interpolation trigger threashold to 0, and interp your target vector in the anim update like so :

How did you get it working? Still not working for me

Took some time to figure it out, but this is why the issue occurs:

If you are setting your “target” every frame, the Look At node would never have a chance to interpolate — it would be constantly resetting to the new target position.

To fix this issue interpolate your target variable too, by using VInterpTo or RInterpTo (as someone showed on the screenshot above).

Unreal should implement some updates to this node so it would work better out of the box.