As can be seen in the image i’ve moved around the ‘lookat’ target in the preview, but the axis isn’t correct, it faces the direction with an average of XYZ when it should be facing it with the Z axis, as you can also see i tried changing the ‘look at axis’ option for the node to force it to use the Z axis as the forward axis but it didn’t help, either I am misunderstanding what that option is meant to do or (kinda more likely) the setting is just not being respected (since it generally seems to not affect the result no matter what i set it to).
Uh, seems like this thing is buggy as hell, it just magically started working after a while with the same exact settings
I think maybe the node doesn’t always properly update on compile or something, basically i hooked it up to anotehr node that did nothing, then it started working, then I unhooked it and it kept working, weird.
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