I’m making a short horror demo of sorts. You start in a hallway, with red spotlights going down to the end. You have to walk to the end of the hallway where a chair is sitting there. As you walk down, the static ambience gets louder. Then the ambience stops when you get to the chair. You turn around, and you get jumpscared and the game ends. Problem is, I don’t know how to make him get jumpscared by looking back. I’d appreciate the help.
Every tick check to see forward vector of the pawn is facing about the way you want.
I’m confused. I need it to see if you are looking there after you have hit a trigger, not at any time.
Okay, then set a boolean value to true when you hit the trigger, and then every tick check to see if the value is true AND the forward vector of the pawn is facing about the way you want.