Look around while sitting

Hi friends!

I have a pretty standard FPS character. When the mouse moves the player turns. I want my character to sit and look around. When sitting I change to a sitting animation and disable movement. When I disable movement the camera freely moves and the model does not ( I can see inside my own head or spin the camera all the way around) any suggestions to stop the character from moving/turning but keep the camera locked to the players view.

In a perfect world I would be able to turn my head maybe 40 degrees either way and have the camera follow.

P.S. I tried to set movement speed really low instead of disabling movement that was somewhat better, but the whole character rotates while sitting and ends up 180 degrees sitting while facing the chair( maybe I can set rotation constraints)


Turn off movement but not look:


but not


You’ll have to watch it with those nodes, you have to run it with the box unticked as many times as you ran it with them ticked ( they sort of stack up ). Or just use


The player will still be able to look around 180. Something easier might be to just have a dumb pawn sitting in the chair at all times and use a camera blend to move between the two:

modify your movement input to match this, and then enable free look when the charachter is sitting, and disable free look when they’re standing up.

Thanks ALL I’ll true theses out